Pray for the church
Meet together with us to pray for the Church to be strengthened with God’s power and filled with the knowledge of God’s will.
Our desire and aim is to be directed by God in all we do. To this end, we meet together regularly to pray for the Church to be strengthened with God’s power and filled with the knowledge of God’s will and so that we may walk in a manner worthy of the Lord and bear fruit in every good work.
“so as to walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing to him: bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God;”
Colossians 1:10
Praying for the church
Throughout the bible we find prayers for God’s people. These reminders provide the conversation material for us to talk to God about his desires for his people.
Like the apostle Paul, we can give thanks for God’s people, pray for them for wisdom and knowledge, that they would overflow with hope, be filled with peace, live in unity and be strengthened with God’s power and grow in love and purity.
See Ephesians 1:15–17, Romans 15:13, Philemon 1:9–1, Colossians 1:9–11
Sunday Service Prayer
Join us every Sunday Morning from 9:15am to 9:45am to pray for the service, our city, and the church, and more. All are welcome to meet with us in the Prayer Room. We also have a confidential team of prayer ministers available after each service to pray over you.
Sunday Evening Prayer
We meet for prayer and worship at the church on the last Sunday of the month. This is a wonderful time of fellowship, and we encourage you to join us! More information regarding times and dates can be found on the main Link Church website.
Thursday Prayer
Join us every Thursday for in person prayer.
Jesus said: “Those who remain in me, and I in them, will produce much fruit. For apart from me you can do nothing.” (John 15:5, NIV).
Every Thursday from 12:15pm to 1:00pm, we meet in person to pray together. Anyone can join. If you need prayer, or if you want to pray for the church, you can find us in the Prayer Room at the Link.
Prayer Focus
As a church family we choose certain areas to focus on in prayer. We have a list of things to pray for during the entire year, and a list for each quarter. We encourage you to join with us in praying for the specific things listed below.
A Praying Church – increased participation in personal and corporate prayer.
A Serving Church – every person serving according to the leading and gifting of Holy Spirit.
A Giving Church – every person honouring God in their finances.
A Mature Church – helping followers of Jesus grow in maturity, and for small groups that are like greenhouses for discipleship.
That we would grow in the Fear of the Lord
That we would be quick to obey Jesus
That we would love Jesus and not the World or the things of the World.
Pray for more intercessors and prayer ministers
Pray for more volunteers to serve in Children’s Ministries, Welcome Team and Tech.
We are starting with a 4-Week outreach series based on Alpha on Sept 15th.
Please pray that people will invite their friends to come to church, and that they would respond to the Gospel.